AFC Foresters were literally born from the ashes of a bonfire in Nomansland in 2018.
Ian Thompson and I were clearing up the remnants of the annual Bonfire and Firework display at Nomansland Recreation Ground when a Sunday League game was being played next to where we were working.
We watched for a bit and began reminiscing about our footballing “careers” back in the day, and could we still do it…So, we decided to have a kick around, initially just Ian, his sons Dan and Matt and myself, just taking shots (and generally missing) into the goal...!
We enjoyed it so much that we thought, as a way to end the working week, why not ask around any friends we knew who might want to get a bit of exercise, and arrange a kick around on a Friday after work but with the promise of a beer afterwards.
And so it began...
When we started, for the first few weeks and months, we averaged about 8 maybe even 12 players on a really good day, which included some kids, but slowly and surely the numbers increased.
The word got about, and friends asked friends, and In time, we soon outgrew the small junior pitch at Nomansland and moved to Landford Recreation Ground. We marked out a pitch with the help from Wellow Youth Football Club, bought some proper bigger goals(!) and, so that we could carry on playing in the Winter, bought some floodlights with help from the FA and the Football Foundation...but soon, we outgrew Landford too.
We moved to Hatches Farm in Wellow (a natural home as some of the players were Football Coaches coaching the various kids at Wellow Youth Football Club) to play during the Summer months and in the Winter we played at Toynbee School on their 3g floodlit pitch, and recently, we have moved again to Ganger Farm in Romsey on their brand new floodlit 4g pitch.
We play occasional friendlies against mainly Vets teams, we hold regular Intra Club matches and arrange 2 small sided tournaments in the year - the Summer Sizzler and the Winter Warmer, and in 2022 we had our first International awayday, playing a match in Groningen, Holland.
From our humble beginings we can now boast over 60 members, male, female, young and old.
Since we started, we have lost a few players along the way, but of course gained many more, but the ethics of the club have remained the same throughout - to be a friendly all inclusive football club, irrespective of footballing ability (fortunately)..!
AFC Foresters affiliated to the Hampshire FA and became an FA Chartered Football Club in 2020 and we retain a fantastic group of players who all adhere to the principles of the Club.
Over the years we are proud to have played a small part in helping to raise funds for various charities, and our current chosen charity is the Salisbury Stars Appeal.
We have evolved into a sporting club with an active Golf Society, Cricket team, Quiz team and there are even a few keen cyclists.
If you would like any more information, would like to join us or to arrange a friendly game, email forestersfc@btinternet.com or call 07713 810009
I hope you enjoy the website.
David Venditti